Team Lai

Monday, August 28, 2006

The Party's Over

Well, our eight weeks of fun and frolicking in the US are coming to a close. Our flight leaves tomorrow (8/28) at noon. From the moment we arrive here at the end of June, it feels like the clock is ticking and we have to savor every minute because before we know it, it is the end of August and our obligations on the other side of the world are all of a sudden looming large.

It was so wonderful to see everybody here and I'm missing you all already if that's possible. One of the things I really didn't think about much when I got married in Taiwan was that we were creating two separate lives for ourselves. There are people, places, activities, and foods that we love so much in Taiwan and the US. While it's great to be at home in two places - sometimes I can feel out of place both places, as well.

Someone asked me recently if I were looking forward to getting back to Taiwan and I tried to explain the feeling by saying, "You can imagine how much I love being here with my friends and family. But, as strongly as I feel about wanting to stay here? That's how much I want to go back." Maybe that doesn't make any sense but I'm all teary-eyed about leaving everybody here and at the same time cannot wait to step off that plane at CKS and see Jason there waiting for us. Please, please, please, let him be there...let the traffic be smooth just this one night!

Anyway, thanks to everybody for another great summer full of wonderful memories. We are really blessed to have such caring, funny, generous, and supportive friends and family.

If all goes well, we'll be back next June 27th! Mark your calendars!


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